Lately I have had completely random thoughts pop into my head:
1. Ophthalmologists need to chew gum, suck on a breath mint, whatever needs be....all of the time.
2. Crap, I am so getting old. Said Ophthalmologist was a baby, how did people younger than me become my doctor?
3. I am so footballed out, really I am so great at watching it with Big E all season. But I really don't like watching the NFL, I am sick of it. So sick of it, that as payback I made Big E watch a totally trashy reality show with me. I am awesome.
4. Is it totally stupid that I am worried about being lonely when we move out? It is great having someone around all of the time. I get lonely pretty dang easily.
5. So excited for our own house again. Can't wait. But I am totally sick of house hunting, all of this viewing, offering and crap is getting way old.
6. For some reason, since I got pregnant I stink at Rock Band. What happened to me? Big E and I thought we were so clever when we named our band "The House Hunterz". I thought this was hysterical, and then I realized again I was getting old. Just cause you add a "z" on the end, doesn't make it edgy.
7. The Mr. is the light of our lives. Wow, we are lucky to have him. He is starting to sing and I love it!
8. I want something really good and divine to eat, I just don't know what it is.
9. I blog stalk way too much. Heck, I blog stalk people that I didn't even necessarily like or know in High School. Please tell me this is normal.
10. THIS IS BIG: The Mr. went twosies in the potty yesterday! Awesome isn't it? I really feel strongly about not pressuring kids to the potty, but the man has shown an intense interest. My mom and I are going to write a book about our potty training theory. It all starts with preventing the nose picking and eating. Seriously, we are going to make millions!
Dallas Blooms at the Arboretum
10 months ago
I am so glad you're blogging again cause your posts make me laugh. I'm excited to see how your house hunt ends! There is a place for sale a street over from us :)
#9 - totally true. I love your random thoughts Annie!!
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