Monday, September 5, 2011

- Um how hot and ripped is Big E? (see Flaming Gorge pics) Pretty hunky me thinks. - My time as of late, has been taken up by Pintrest. I am in love and addicted....more so than Facebook or blogging. - Thank heavens my gig as Primary Chorister is up, out of every calling I have ever had, it for sure was the hardest, with the most prep. - I found Mack last week with the power drill, drilling the wood on the deck. What the crap? The kid is two and a half. he is super smart, sometimes I worry too smart. But then I remember the poor kid still can't get his colors right. Everything still is green. - I went back to the dark side: Proactive. Yup, my off-again-on-again romance with it has begun. Bless my amazingly finicky skin. - I love fall and can't wait for Halloween. I am not sure when I decided to totally dig Halloween but I do. - Making new friends is hard, but I am getting better. That is all

1 comment:

Dasha said...

Oh man I love pinterest too! So addicting.