May I just for a moment mention how truly sick I am of having the condo for sale? I hate getting those calls from our real estate agent saying that someone wants to walk through in the next half an hour. You can only stuff so much junk into the washer, dryer and dishwasher. It is really tiring trying to keep your living area (including closets) clean ALL of the time.
Tonight we had a true "what the crapper moment". So I get a call from the agent saying that someone wants to walk through in the next half and hour. I attempt to clean up all of our junk, and get both Toby and Mack out before they get there. SUCCESSFUL. Eric comes home, we take the dog up to my mom's and head out to the Farmer's Market (always a good time). We came back to turn off all of our lights and turn down the air (we leave both on in hopes that it shows better). Well, I turned the corner into our bedroom and the bed was a crumbled mess! EWWW, GROSS, DISGUSTING! These people totally laid on my bed! That's it, the house is off the market!
Dallas Blooms at the Arboretum
11 months ago
Wow that is so weird! It's not like the bed comes with the house! What is wrong with people?!?
That is just terrible! I'm sorry.
Maybe you should leave itching powder on the bed for the next idiots that try something that rude, it'll vacuum off quickly for you.
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