I can't stop eating fruit snacks, I love them... every flavor and every shape. While growing up my Mom never bought crap like fruit snacks. I never knew what a Lunchable, Capri Sun, Squeeze It, or anything Little Debbie tasted like, our "sugar" cereal was Honeynut Cheerios. This was probably a good thing because well, I was fat. I used to feel like I missed a huge part of childhood, now I am grateful. I actually have tasted a Lunchable and honestly how much more disgusting can you get? I, like Momma J probably won't buy all the crap listed above. I have a hard time buying Potato Chips. But... oh my goodness, I LOVE me some fruit snacks!
I love The Blind Side. It was fantastic. Did I mention that it had Tim McGraw in it? He definitely belongs in the "Yummy, Fantastically Good-Looking Older Man Tom Sellick Club".
Wow, this was a random post, but the man is taking an afternoon nap and I am sick of browsing at the Utah Real Estate web site. It's funny, now that we have been looking more and more at houses, I have changed my requirements a bit. I swore I did not want to move to West or South Jordan, way too windy and far. But who knows now? This house stuff is stressful. I know it will all be worth it when The Mr. gets his own room back and Big E and I can have a conversation in bed not whispering into each others ear!
Oh and seriously, I can't believe Renae died! Just when Jack had some glimpse of happiness. I would be lying if I said that I didn't cry when the Dr. came out of the ER and told Jack.
Dallas Blooms at the Arboretum
10 months ago