The following are completely random, unconnected things that have entered my mind lately:
1. Mack totally pooped in the tub last night. Nothing could have prepared me for this. At the first sign of floaties, I gagged and fled the room. (Big E was there, I wouldn't leave my one year old unattended, would I). Maybe I am not so great at this Mom stuff.
2. Praise be for night guards. I love my night guard. Yup the big hunk of plastic to keep you from grinding and clenching teeth. Best thing I have ever done for improving my sleep. In fact I love it so much that I named him: Farsen. Sick aren't I.
3. Why whenever I turn on M.A.S.H., it's the episode where Colonel Blake dies? I hate it, but can't stop watching. Have I mentioned that BJ Honnicut is totally hunkalious to me... in that Tom Sellick way?
4. I am starting to think I might do this whole Facebook business. Not quite sure I can take the plunge yet though.
5. I have a new calling. Sunday School again, but this time it is the 16-18 year olds. I taught last week and they ate me alive. Not sure what to do now.
6. The Family Recipe Book rocks. So far I have cooked three new things and they are delicious.
7. My life is pretty dang great and I am really lucky and blessed. The Mr. and Big E are the best! Even though sometimes I only see the things that I want to improve about my body, I am so grateful for it. I am thankful that it works and there isn't constant pain in my back anymore. I am thankful that I can exercise, even though I loathe sweating and stinking!
8. Big E has a conference in Florida next month. I should go, it would practically be free. I think I might really, seriously need to go to Disney World.
Dallas Blooms at the Arboretum
10 months ago
Fortunately, Matt has always been around for tub-pooping incidents. I can't handle it either.
Love the random thoughts. I'm sorry to hear that your new calling is Sunday school...again. I think that is so hard. Good luck not getting eaten alive.
oh, annie. i like your posts. one day we should get together. dinner or something. we'll invite your newly-wed sis in law as well.
later gator.
farsen. on annie. you never cease to amuse me:)
oh, and DITTO on bj honnicut. fine piece of older man meat right there.
LOL! poo in the tub. I am sorry my dear friend. BTW I am sad we missed you at ashleys get together. We need to catch up sometime =)
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