Well, with a little less than six weeks to go, I was thinking about all the things that have surprised me about pregnancy. So here is my list:
1. I am stupid. Really dumber than a doornail. Words come out jumbled and incoherent, that is if I can think of them in the first place. I forget everything. I don't pay attention to details until it is too late... like going all day with my pants on backward!
2. I know pregos go to the bathroom more than they usually do, but before I was pregnant the bladder was incredibly small and I love water! My average nightly trips to the bathroom after we are in bed average four times! By the way, going back to number one, if I can't find my keys they are definitely in the bathroom.
3. Clumsiness. I am not naturally graceful, in fact my Mom thought about naming me Grace and then decided with her genes that would be cruel and unusual punishment. With the large belly my balance is totally thrown off. Tripping is just another part of my day, thankfully I haven't gone down yet. In fact I tripped and arched my foot so badly that I tore some ligaments or something and broke some blood vessels on the top of my foot. I really don't trust myself to chew gum and walk at the same time anymore.
4. The hind quarters. For those of you that know me, you know I have a booty that ethnically belongs to another race. In the beginning of pregnancy, it looked normal...huge. But as I come closer to the end I swear it is shrinking. Of course I know that the front has just gotten bigger, but take for instance what happened last night. Eric parked the Pilot pretty close to the side of the garage, so I kinds had to squish myself between the open door and the car to get out. I actually had to go on my tip toes to get the smallest part of me through the opening. And lo and behold, the smallest part was my booty. That has NEVER happened.
5. The cravings. I never really got the cravings except for one week when I ate an artichoke everyday. I kind of thought that I would be one of those that loved eating food while prego. Not the case, which I am happy for, I don't want to blimp out anymore you know.
6. The never ending exhaustion. Wow the tiredness, I was not ready for this one. The second trimester was not bad but oh the first and the third. I am shocked at the places I have dozed off at.
7. I don't mind the belly grabbing. Really I don't. It is a little odd when the bagger at the grocery store grabs the belly, but I really don't care. The only time when it is uncomfortable is when the person grabs the belly with both hands and shakes it. Yes this has happened. And really the only reason it bugs me is because it stretches my skin. I can simultaneously feel another stretch mark rearing its ugly head.
8. I am so thankful for my parents and Eric's parents as well. I have gotten a deeper appreciation for them and have been able to understand the amount of love that they have for their children so much better. I am thankful we were both raised my such remarkable people, and I hope we can become the kind of parents they are. I can't wait for Mack to have rockin' Grandparents!
9. I love this baby. I can't believe how much I love him and I can't believe how much I will miss his little (or sometimes rib crunching painful) kicks. I am so excited for him!
Dallas Blooms at the Arboretum
10 months ago
Great insights in to the way pregnancy really can be! Everyone always talks about how "wonderful" it is to be pregnant but I can only think of the awful stuff. Now, thanks to you Annie, I know the truth! I hope the next six weeks continue to be healthy and happy!
hello annie J! will you pretty pretty please email me your address?
it's card time:)
hope everything is still gestating nicely over there:)
Annie, your blog is so cute. I got to your blog from Amanda's. I hope that is ok and you don't feel like you are being stalked by an old lady! :) Hope you are feeling great. The big day is almost here!!Next Christmas will be different for you guys. Just think of the fun you'll be having with a little one!! Take care! Love, Tina Jensen
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